Major Works and Projects
- Illustrative design for Nakaze Park in Ishinomaki City
- Coordination for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama(cont’d)
- Support for Seminars to Deal with Problems regarding to the Contract Matters with Private Housing Lease (cont’d)
- Publication of “Great Urban Places in Asia”
- Basic illustrative plan for Hibiya Park, Tokyo
- Design guidelines of street-scape for Downtown Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Basic design for open space and historic walkways in Downtown Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Coordination for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama(cont’d)
- Support for Seminars to Deal with Problems regarding to the Contract Matters with Private Housing Lease (cont’d)
- Research on Public Life in Kanazawa for the exhibition at the 21st Century Contemporary Museum of Art Kanazawa
- JICA Project for Formulation of Greater Kandy Urban Plan (ongoing)
- Re-design plan of Promenade at E station area (ongoing)
- Research on night view improvement in Yokohama Minato-Mirai 21 district
- Coordinator for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama(cont’d)
- Support for Seminars to Deal with Problems regarding to the Contract Matters with Private Housing Lease (cont’d)
- Coordinator for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama(cont’d)
- Research on Future Development and Management of Parks in Tokyo
- Ishinomaki-Nakaze Park Basic Plan
- Translation of “How to Study Public Life” (by Gehl and Svarre) to Japanese (co-works)
- Support for Seminars to Deal with Problems regarding to the Contract Matters with Private Housing Lease
- Totsuka district (Yokohama City) Community planning and open space design (cont'd)

Completed at the end of FY2015

- Evaluation of area management project in Yokohama Minato-Mirai district
- Coordinator for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama(cont’d)
- Design guidelines for the restoration public housing in Fukushima

- Design for the Ogawago Restoration Residential area, Fukushima

Please refer to the following URL.
- Support for community design in Kyohoku area, Iida City.
- Totsuka district (Yokohama City) Community planning and open space design (cont'd)
- Promotion of utilization of public spaces in Yokohama Minato-Mirai district (cont’d)
- Coordinator for making district plan, Ryoke, Yokohama
- City center area revitalization planning and design with citizen participation, Hita, Oita
- Urban Design Seminars for city officials, Matsuyama
- Advisor for Town center revitalization, Omura City
- Workshop for town center revitalization and redevelopment of train station area, Kazuno City
- Support of residents' activities to develop district plan at Ryoke, Yokohama
- Totsuka district (Yokohama City) Community planning and open space design (cont'd)
- Promotion of utilization of public spaces in Yokohama Minato-Mirai district

A small community space "Ikkyu-san" (means a resting and communication space) opened in 2015.
- Open space research and design workshop for a redevelopment project in Tokyo
- Totsuka district (Yokohama City) Community planning and open space design
- Outdoor advertisement guideline for Yokohama Minato-Mirai district
- Planning for town center revitalization (Higashi-Hiroshima city etc.)
- Review of planning policy for Yokohama Minato-Mirai district
- Outdoor space renewal planning for a housing complex
- Planning for town center revitalization (Hita city etc.)
- Preservation and design guideline for Kagurazaka historic district
- Planning of regional energy infrastructure for Tokyo city center
- F-house renovation design
- Research of historic preservation methods in Illinois, USA
- Review of UR housing stock and case study for renovation
- Yokohama city center waterfront research and planning
- Review of Japan city planning act
- Planning for town center revitalization (Goto city)